Monor, az ezer pince városa

38 MONOR. OUR TOWN. WE ARE BUILDING IT. NEAR FUTURE investments József Attila Grammar School and Vocational School of Economics is facingmajor transformations and extensions. An entirely new educational wingwill be created, and this extension is due to the support of the Hungarian Government. In the course of development of more than 2,000m2 the building complex will have a hall and a newmain entrance. The newwing will house classrooms, group rooms, a teachers’ room, specialist classrooms and associated laboratories, as well as new water blocks, obstacle-free washrooms and other service rooms. In the nearly 300m2 administrative part there will also be a teachers’ room, a principal’s office, a deputy principal’s office, ameeting room, a school secretary’s office, an archive, an information systemadministrator roomand a server room. All this is great relief for the school, as the investment also alleviates the crowdedness of the institution. The new, modern building will provide 21st century standard of education for 785 children (24 classes). Szterényi József Technical School and Vocational Training School of Cegléd SZC (Vocational Training Centre) will be expandedwith two newbuildings: amodern trainingworkshop has been designed, inwhich ametallurgic and woodworking industry workshops equippedwith high-techmachines and a pneumatic and automation laboratory will be established. These workshops will be the spots of such technician training level that meets the needs of industry and also provide appropriate preparation for those who decide on engineering career with the opportunity to join in higher education. The goal is to build a new school wing on the parking side of the current building. This building will house state-of-the-art specialist classrooms, smart classrooms and an electrical engineering lab. The planned investment will allow students to study in themost favourable conditions.