Monor, az ezer pince városa

2 MONOR. OUR TOWN. WE ARE BUILDING IT. Owing to common collaboration Monor is continually being renewed and has become a liveable, close to the capital small town with good local conditions. Traditionally playing the role of the area centre our town’s institutional network has increased in recent years, and significant infrastructural developments have been realized. In the past years on town’s own budget and with the assistance of Hungarian Government – among other things – it was possible to bring into use an impressive multifunctional sports hall and a new kindergarten; our public places grewmore beautiful, new playing grounds for families were built; in the past decades the utmost development of public roads took place and extension of car parks started. Investments in process and the near future plans reveal further development. Before long a new six-chamber nursery school will be brought into use, after extension of the Napsugár (Sunbeam) kindergarten it will be possible to bring up twice as many children in the renewed institution. In the meantime – in a unique way throughout the country – Monor became the first Smart City in Hungary where complex services provide convenience for its residents to manage their administrative affairs: from intelligent bicycle depots through THE MAYOR’S FOREWORD – Monor. Our town. We are building it. opportunity to pay for school lunches by mobile appliances tomodern economical street-lighting systems. Hopefully, owing to developments, we can proudly say that we enjoy living in Monor, a town which we are building collectively! Kálmán Darázsi, the Mayor