8 MONOR. OUR TOWN. WE ARE BUILDING IT. According to the decision of the Hungarian Government Monor will become the country’s first ”Smart City”. We are talking about a complex system fromwhich a lot of data can be obtained and put to good use; moreover, its various elements are compatible and so, if justified, can even be connectible. The first elements of the system were installation of intelligent outdoor water blocks and creation SMART CITY of digital classrooms in primary and secondary schools whichmeant a qualitative advance in education. The development of street-lighting is the constituent part of the project. The new energy-saving systemmeans installation of more illuminators at lower operating costs by controlling the operation of each individual illuminator. Free wi-fi network covering the entire town also allows the installation of sensors throughout the settlement, which in the future could be useful for measuring air pollution or traffic count. One of themost important improvements is the increase of the number of CCTV cameras and the provision of the surveillance system with smart functions, for example in case of a person’s sudden faintingfit or committing suspected crime it will automatically signal to the systemoperator. It will be equally important for pedestrian traffic safety in developing intelligent pedestrian crossings on heavy-traffic roads. Smart benches suitable for charging mobile phones, numerous outdoor and indoor screens enabling the transfer of information of public interest, as well as mobile phone application operated lockable bycicle depots have been placed throught the town. The newMonor mobile app will play an important role in urban communication, and theWallet